Friday, October 22, 2010

The Boys Of Fall

I was driving home from work listening to country music on the radio as I always do and Kenny Chesney's song "The Boys of Fall" came on. That song immediately took me back to small town Friday Night Football right here in good ole' Nixon! I can still feel the excitement in the air and all day the intensity grew stronger. I remember sitting in class wearing one of the players jersey's, the battle cry in the hall between classes, the smell of the gym floor and the sound of the band warming up for the pep-rally. The student body went wild as the sound of the Fight Song filled the gymnasium and our "Boys Of Fall" came in to the gym donning their game day jersey with a look of pride, determination, even butterflies in their stomach.....the whole town buzzed about the prediction of the score and then proceeded to relive their own glory moments out on the field. Cars were decorated with shoe polish, signs made of poster board were in store windows......Bobcat fever was ALIVE!!! The site of our fiday night heros standing with helmet in hand, facing the flag as our National Anthem rang out over the crowd and people cheering "Go Get'em Bobcats" as the players then took the field. I can still hear helmets hitting together, see the ball flying in the air, the scoreboard. I can still remember what it felt like to experience the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat. Small town friday night hasn't changed much over the years, I have experienced it through the eyes of my sons as they prepared for their own game days. They are my true "Boys of Fall". Go to Kenny Chesney Lyrics and read the lyrics to the song.....I promise it will take you back too!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Today I have realized I have not blogged in soooo long. But today I find myself wanting to. One of my very best friends in the whole wide world taught me to blog and as we speak she is fighting to live. She was diagnosed with cancer almost 3 yrs. ago and has continued to have a positive outlook throughout it all. She has fought so courageously and has never once complained "Why Me?" She has been an amazing friend and has taught me have to live life to the fullest and seize every moment. Mary Ann never worries about things and though I am still a work in progress, she has been teaching me to not worry and let God handle the big stuff! She has renewed my love for reading and we can spend hours discussing books and if it ever becomes a movie , who should be in it, etc. We could solve the worlds problems over a cup of coffee and laugh about things until we cried. She could make you feel better about any problem you THOUGHT you had and after discussing it with her you would come to realize it wasn't really a problem after all. She taught me that life is a journey and its up to each of us to find Joy in our journey, the journey called life. LOVE YOU GIRLFRIEND!!!!!